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Full Version: [GET] Discover How We Quickly and Easily Make $45 Per Sale, Consistently Over and Over Again
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Pages: 1 2
Thank you for the share! Mirror:

Nice dude. .. anyone reviewed it?
Joined: Mar 2012

Reputation: -5

LOL Negative Rep and a Leecher status since 2012. Still want review ?

My review for you : Go to Hell and Rot in Hell :-)
Thanks for the share.

I can't stand when people have all this secrecy in their WSO threads...SOOOO

Here's my review/overview:

1. google: site: +"city" +"offline niche"
2. send businesses emails trying to sell facebook covers and likes and free business card designs as a bundle
3. use their 3 email follow-up template to offer the service
4. get paid $45 in paypal
5. you probably guessed it....outsource to, freelance etc.
6. rinse and repeat
7. then outsource the emailing part, and wait for paypal payments and outsource work to fiverr

oh yeah and use a spreadsheet to keep track of things...emails, outsourced work etc.

Honestly, I've never tried this type of thing, but there's always a "new" WSO claiming this works.

Maybe I'm crazy, but if I was a New York City Law Firm, and a stranger emailed me using gmail (their suggested way of doing this) trying to sell me a Facebook cover and likes, I would totally ignore them and probably send it to spam too.

I guess if you did this ALOT you'd make some money....I don't know.

Has anyone ever made any real money cold emailing people?
+5 Rep for you fullshift of your review.
Nice Share
Rep Added 3+
Pages: 1 2
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