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Full Version: [GET] Profile Builder Pro v1.3.12 - Profile Plugin for Wordpress
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Because default WordPress user registration and login is NO GOOD for modern websites.

Do YOU want to customize your website by adding front-end registration, profile and login forms? You can use Profile Builder - the Profile Plugin for WordPress.

To achieve this, just create a new page, and give it an intuitive name(i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode: [wppb-edit-profile] . Publish your page and you are done!


Magic Button :
Dude, have you got access to the latest version?
rep+ added. Do u have newest version? thank you.
rep+... thanks
bump for late version
Theres a copy in the VIP section - maybe consider updating and supporting the cause?
vip links are dead can you pm me the newest version, thanks
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