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Full Version: [GET]Lazy Paypal Sniper v2.7
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Pages: 1 2
Total crap. Do not lose your time....
That's 10 minutes of my life that I will never get back! Horrible!
Ok thanks
Rep added
Thanks for the review guys, really helpful.
(08-30-2014 08:14 AM)Ruth Wrote: [ -> ]It was kind of annoying to read this piece of junk,am not saying this is totally useless,all am saying is there is nothing new here,writing articles 30 a day Gosh!!!! Get a life !!!
No originality and looks like the owner of this cant even put up a decent article most of the stuff is regurgitated.
Skip this immediately
Thanks to you and Lovu123 for the reviews. Saved me some time and a good bit of annoyance.

Reps added to OP, you and Lovu123.
Pages: 1 2
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