08-30-2014, 02:02 AM
- AJAX backend (no page reloads!) Save your bandwidth!
- Uses Javascript jQuery Slide for an amazing UI, Try the Demo!
- Very easy to integrate into any existing HTML or PHP page on your website.
- The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet or you can use the Default Style.
- All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need.
- Anti spam, are you human? filter.
- Only 1 main option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.
- Integrated Animated Sliding Thank You / Success page.
- Integrated AJAX JS Sliding Error Messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.
- Uses standard PHP server features for a no-hassle installation.
- Customisable email message that you receive.
- Customisable email subject.
- Submit phone number and digit validation.
Download: http://fileinz.com/0dwd7pd7vag4/CodeCany..._.zip.html
Mirror: http://uploadrocket.net/ioztzfmi8w90/Cod..._.zip.html