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Pages: 1 2
They have changed everything including several free promo links. If I come across any other links, I shall post them.

(08-29-2014 11:31 AM)softarchive20 Wrote: [ -> ]Note :

In case if you are using same email id, it does debit 1USD from your credit card and transaction says that this email id is already registered ( I have experienced it previously during registration). So, then again if you use new email id then 1 more USD will be debited.So, use separate email every time to prevent that $1USD extra loss :) Lol..

this still works with 30 days trial?
Hi, Really appreciate if you have any news about new coupons?

Thanks for your help

(07-07-2015 01:08 PM)softarchive20 Wrote: [ -> ]They have changed everything including several free promo links. If I come across any other links, I shall post them.

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