Please, can you update this script? He was updated on 27 October 14
Bump for Latest version of the plugin please!
(10-26-2014 06:18 PM)DrugsIsTakingOverYourMind Wrote: [ -> ]Do you got the main script to ?.
Here is the latest version of the main script ( Already Shared ) >> Just Search For It
Original Post By User
Quote:Changelog 2.5 ----
- Homepage news column can now be disabled from the dashboard.
- Users can now be assigned permissions (create, edit, delete etc) from dashboard.
- Added new buttons to the frond-end to edit and create pages when user has needed permissions.
- Categories on homepage will now not get hidden if slider is removed.
- It's now only possible to fetch movies and series for your selected data provider to prevent issues.
- Added some missing translations to the translation file.
- Fixed a problem with pagination bar not always reflecting the actual page.
- Fixed a bug with episode poster images not saving locally even if the appropriate setting in dashboard is set.
- Fixed a problem with movies/series plot not defaulting to english if it's not available in requested language.
- Fixed a problem with series episodes not defaulting to english if their data is not available in requested language.
- Fixed a problem with themoviedb rating not being fetched when titles when they are created manually.
- Fixed a problem with imdb search/scraping sometimes to working.
- Improvements to homepage layout on smaller screen sizes.
- Improvements to layout on firefox.
- Improvements to navbar layout when viewing on phone.
- Added a new images link for movies/series page when viewing on a phone.
all mirror is down re up thanks