Thanks to nathanbaker for providing a virus total. Rep given.
Thanks to TECH N9NE for providing a link to the sales page. I'd totally forgotten where I'd found it! Rep given.
Thanks to jeffreyrajan for the mirrors. Again rep given.
Your help, support and reps are much appreciated guys:)
Thank you sooooooooooooo much. I requested this. I repped ya buddy!
Thanks for the share onefineday and Full Reps Given.
This is an all-text guide on the absolute basics of building a list. 80% of you already know this stuff and don't need it.
From the book:
Quote:Squeeze page –> free product –> upsell low-end product –> build relationships –> sell higher-end and more products –> personalized/coaching –> get affiliates –> rinse and repeat –> keep creating –> keep putting products out –> keep your funnels running.
The guide doesn't have even one screenshot in it which I find suspect. Dennis likes to buy an rewrite PLR and this looks like PLR.
The action steps in the end could have redeemed the ebook, but it didn't. Let me give you an example of Day 1...
Quote:Choose and research your niche and your target audience. Really dig in to figure out specifically which niche you are going to concentrate on. Maybe you already know, or maybe you have no idea. You need to choose a niche that is very actively spending money. You need to find an area of that niche that you can maintain an interest in. It really helps if you feel passionate about helping the people of that niche.
From the excerpt above, how are we supposed to research a niche and find out if it makes money? How do we dig in? There's nothing explaining this in the book. All step-by-step.
It gets worse...Day 13 says...
Quote:Continue writing your relationship building autoresponder messages. Get enough up to cover at least a couple of weeks.
What? How?! Does he realize this is one of the hardest parts of building an online business? Write what and send it when? What does day 1,5 or 11 consist of?
That's my review. You already know this stuff. And if you don't know this stuff, it's going to leave you with more questions and frustration than answers.
Deleted (but thanks for the share!)
I feel disappointed now after reading the above. Becker was one of the originals who started flogging his crap, stuff for $5 years ago, before Fiverr became popular.
He then teamed up with every man and his dog in flogging more crap, stuff over the years.
I'm surprised that he doesn't talk about or explain Keyword Research in looking at niches.
Honestly, this must be aimed at the mindless idiots at 'you know where' who wouldn't have a clue.