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Full Version: [GET] Horse Training Secrets Revealed
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Thanks for the share! Smile

Since I am out of reps I have zipped all the PDFs on the download page into one file to help our fellow members!


Mirror : 10.47MB

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(08-29-2014 12:03 AM)tlrademaker Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share! Smile

Since I am out of reps I have zipped all the PDFs on the download page into one file to help our fellow members!


Mirror : 10.47MB

Magic Button :
Well, who would hv thought that a BBHF member needs advise on how to train wild horses Wink

Thx for the mirror, highly appreciated.
Hey sindbod!

I came back to add 5 reps!!!

Oh, and you never know when you might need to hop on a horse! :)
(08-29-2014 11:20 AM)tlrademaker Wrote: [ -> ]Hey sindbod!

I came back to add 5 reps!!!

Thx a lot!

(08-29-2014 11:20 AM)tlrademaker Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and you never know when you might need to hop on a horse! :)

Well said 1bigsmile
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