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Full Version: [REQ] wp-anime/wp-manga wordpress anime plugins
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With this solution, you can easily own an anime / video streaming / movies / dramas website with thousands of anime series

Other Usage
  1. This script/plugin can also be used for other than manga website. You can also use this script for video gallery, movies, dramas, films, and other website types with similar concept.
  2. Websites that use WP Anime
  3. Here are some of our clients:
  4. AuthroneAnime IndoEye On AnimeAnime RamAnime LovesLovely AnimeUAnimeHentai Trinity (Adult only)Drama KuroKuro AnimeHentai School (Adult only)Anime Hentai Mangas (Adult only)and many more …

hey people !
this is a great plugin for an automated anime streaming site , couldn't pay for it as i don't use moneybookers !
anyone have it by chance and willin to share it with me
PS: i have this 2 plugin but they are not nulled i need somone to null this 2 plugin for mee ?

[Image: 4LK0RDt.png]
bump for this
bump for this too.
Throw plugins, i can try nulled
Did anyone null it yet?
Throw it to me i can give it a try if not.
If yes tell me i really wanna try it before i buy it.
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