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Full Version: [GET] 10-Minute Home Repairs: More Than 200 Fast, Effective Fixes You Can Do Yourself
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[Image: 518BB9GXdqL._SX260_.jpg]

An indispensable guide for home owners and renters alike, this handy
little book will show you how to put on a new toilet seat, change an air
filter, unclog a drain, caulk a sink, patch a hole in the wall, change a
lock, replace washer hoses, stop floor creaks and hinge shrieks, level
an appliance, and more than 190 other quick fixes that every home
eventually needs.

Learn the pros' secrets for fast, lasting repairs; the tools of the
trade; emergency solutions using stuff you already have around the
house; when to call in a pro; and finishing tricks that will make your
friends think you've spent a bundle when it just took a little know-how.
Things break; things get old; things wear out. Stop ignoring them and
start feeling proud of your hous (and yourself) with this handy book for
the aspiring handyman and handywoman.

Magic Button :

+5 reps added.


Mirror : 4.5MB

Magic Button :
This should come in really handy, thanks.
Here's a Zippy for it

Thanks for the share! Most everyone could save a few bucks and sometimes a lot of aggravation by fixing the little stuff.
Thanks - another good share !
SHA256: 801067b6b2edf047da59547335a784ef31fcd9e1f25cfec5512464cd1d6068b0
File name: JF-10MHR.rar
Detection ratio: 0 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-08-28 13:50:52 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
This will come handy. Thank you OP +3
thanks for this
Thanks for us mechanically challenged. reps added
Thanks for making this share possible!
re-up request

Pages: 1 2
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