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Full Version: [REQ] Gravity Perks addons for Gravity Forms
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Hoping someone already has this and is willing to share. I hope it's not too much to ask. Thanks in advanced.

I'm specifically looking for the Unique ID option (
Hey, I am looking for it too.
Hey guys that plugin is hard to find but here is the code to do what you want without the plugin, hope this helps
Bump. I'm also looking for this plugin... Anyone have it and willing to share?
Bump for a GB, this and a new Developers license for Gravity Forms.
Hi can any one please share the plugin its a great one.

Waiting for it...
Hi all, I have only main plugin and conditional pricing plugin :) . If anyone has other addons pls share

Pass -
Do i need to have the standard Gravity Perks before installing the ones in Mega?
Hi, thx for the upload.
maybe you can upload the new version again?


(05-12-2016 06:38 PM)garrickslayer Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go!fhdCwCzT!zszZxk0kLl24N...-vueNwjHIQ

Gravity perks!vttwxLBC!nUDEuZbNMMhuV...EZc9z6zOjI

Addons on the link above
Pages: 1 2
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