Hello guys here is Mirror
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The Swank theme is missing in this package....does anyone have it?
thanks for the themes
you have some good themes in there.
if it wasnt for the virustotal i wouldnt have downloaded them though.
quite often themes will have malicious code, before you know it your host is sending out thousands of spam emails - and your host gets closed down.
it should be a rule that every new thread has to have at least a virustotal report .
i agree
the thing is , people are sometimes well intentioned, at the same time as trying to get brownie points - when the priority should be to ensure the download is safe - you only need one hacked account and you can easily (and many have) lose your hosting account.
spamhaus as well as the host will know you've sent out spam emails before you have.
just saying - thanks for the themes - same as thanks for anything else - but i'd rather know they were safe before anything else - other people should be thinking the same as well (im not talking about these downloads - just downloads in general)
Hello all
If you are interested in learning
L.ynda - Customizing Themes with Genesis for WordPress (Aug 22, 2014)
Thanks for the share. Anyway have the Swank theme?
All over the place.. same studiopress package shared...of same size and all even title are same.. and same day...few hrs and minutes ..difference only.
Don't use these themes in your project untill you sure about these theme are clean..
and here i found on ..that has bigger in size..not checked yet
My advise why everytime virustotal..you can use your own eyes to check the code ...