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Full Version: [GET] Sahifa 4.3.2 - Responsive WordPress News,Magazine,Blog (Latest)
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rep added
Very Nice, seems to be original! Thx a lot!
Rep added!
Thanks for the share dude.. Rep++ added..
guys, TAC shows this in this theme:

Sahifa 4.3.2 by TieLabs

Encrypted Code Found!

wp-content/themes/sahifa/timthumb.php [Edit]
Line 225: "base64 encoded red image that says 'no hotlin..."
Line 227: "base64_decode("R0lGODlhUAAMAIAAAP8AAP///yH5BA..."
remove timthumb.php and deselect timthumb option in settings for thumbnail making,
Same code is here:

Magic Button :

so probably kosher
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