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Thanks - +++reps added
+5 for your great efforts OneEYEs. As mentioned above, this was previously offered. You need to do a search on the home page before posting... just to make sure it's not already in the Forum.

I got it in the earlier offer, but downloaded it again here anyway for insurance. This is one I will focus on next week. THANKS!
Thanks repped +++

Anything that helps me to speed up the site building process
is appreciated.

Nice Share
Rep Added 3+

Magic Button :
http://Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE/ciqpawkydqft/
http://Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE/sqxhgx82no5e/
Rep gladly givenz!
Thanks and rep to the OP.

I'm curious for the people who know more about this quickly can you sell these sites? Do you have to hold on to them for several months after building or can you sell them right away for a decent profit?
(08-18-2014 04:05 AM)VidaGeneQueenOfMean Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and rep to the OP.

I'm curious for the people who know more about this quickly can you sell these sites? Do you have to hold on to them for several months after building or can you sell them right away for a decent profit?

Of course you can keep these sites and monetize to sell for higher profit later on, however this course focuses on selling them instantly. The problem is it's very difficult to get high prices for these sites, so unless you write your own content then the content cost will eat up a large part of your revenue
Thanks for the input, huypq47. I just watched an interview between the product owner and a chick named Eleanor Price, which was painful. The woman, Eleanor, is very spacey and seems like an airhead but Lisa Gergets was totally believable and professional.

Anyway, the product owner says she often sells her sites immediately.

Seems like a good product and I'm planning to dig into the files tonight.
It should not take you that long to sell a site.Even though she does have a rep for selling sites, You could do it. The Halloween site she shows on her sales page I have gotten emails from her about that site. She is asking $297 for them. If I'm not mistaken she does not sell $17 sites. Check out her home page to look at what she sells them for and create your own.
Never did thank you for this Solid Share. My wife is very interested in doing this in her spare time and her constant talking about this has got me interested also. She is tenacious! +Reps
p.s. took me forever to find this thread because you have the dollar signs and exclamation marks in title. Is effective in hiding from discovery of creator.
(08-17-2014 07:03 PM)OneEYEs Wrote: [ -> ]i am new at here and i have seen lot of info shared on this forum. so this is my first huge share and took me to upload more than a hour because my internet connection are slow. Smile Smile

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