08-16-2014, 09:11 PM
Requested Here: [REQ] Rent a serp local market
Sales Page:
Mirrors Here:
Reps appreciated, of course.
Fair Warning - there have been many complaints about the quality of this theme/plugin combo. Lousy support, a one-off sales thing that the sellers released before it was really ready and they will never upgrade or develop further I suspect. After some research I will never again buy anything that D. Zander is involved in. So take a look and get out of it what you can, but be warned that it may not be all the sales page says (like that is news...)
OMG - just checked the sales page and they have raised the price to $297
Sales Page:
Magic Button :
Mirrors Here:
Magic Button :
Reps appreciated, of course.
Fair Warning - there have been many complaints about the quality of this theme/plugin combo. Lousy support, a one-off sales thing that the sellers released before it was really ready and they will never upgrade or develop further I suspect. After some research I will never again buy anything that D. Zander is involved in. So take a look and get out of it what you can, but be warned that it may not be all the sales page says (like that is news...)
OMG - just checked the sales page and they have raised the price to $297