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thank you, very nice. repped!
Great Stuff TY Repped +5
+5Rep. Thanks a lot mate.
(08-16-2014 06:54 PM)xrocksterx Wrote: [ -> ]nice share, thank you! I'm always looking out for quality gsa training and settings. Can't wait to dig into this course.

Rep'd and Mirrored

Magic Button :
Thanks and Max reps to you and the OP.
thnx bro for ur effort
keep going Cool
Rep added; thanks; I've got the software but haven't touched it yet; this will help me get started!
Rep is yours. Can't ever stop learning new GSA stuff.
Thanks for this Great share! :)

GSA Software Training with Jimmy Kelley

worth $497 - [Rated #1 GSA Training]

Imagine learing A 100% Evergreen and bullet- proof SEO

Ranking method using the worlds most advanced and flexible ” Seo link automation software”



*Sever connection and installations

*Gscraper configurations finding targets

*All about proxies

*Kontent machine 3 building content

*captcha breaker configurations

*GSA global settings

*GSA project settings


*Bonus video

*Lessons learned- FAQ

Name Product: Jimmy Kelley – GSA Software Training

Market price: $497

Author: Jimmy Kelley

Size: 225MB

Website :

Zee123 thank you for the share and the link. Max rep added.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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