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Full Version: [GET] Glazed, Filled, Sugared and Dipped: Easy Doughnut Recipes to Fry or Bake at Home
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Whether you think of them as “doughnuts” or “donuts,” you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to make these sweet treats at home.

Dripping with chocolate glaze, bursting with sweet vanilla cream or
blackberry jam filling, or simply rolled in cinnamon sugar—doughnuts,
however you like them, can’t be beat when freshly made. And they’re
surprisingly easy to fry—or bake—from scratch.

Glazed, Filled, Sugared and Dipped includes recipes for classic cake
and yeast-raised doughnuts as well as for zeppole, beignets, churros,
bomboloni, and doughnut holes—plus glazes, fillings, and sauces to mix
and match. With more than 50 recipes and 50 full-color photographs, this
cookbook will open up the wonderful world of homemade doughnuts to any
home baker.

Magic Button :
Looks like a nice and tasty share!

+5 reps added.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......donuts!!!!! Thanks
re-up request

(05-29-2019 01:42 AM)StillStanding Wrote: [ -> ]re-up request


Awesome as ever SS, hope you are well my friend ;-)
Surprised to see a share like this posted by who I consider to be the "Health King." Everything in moderation, one donut or two won't hurt, just know when to stop!
re-up request

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