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Full Version: [ GET] Instant Video Templates V3 by Peter Beatty
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(09-07-2014 04:01 PM)whywork Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-07-2014 01:05 PM)imran702 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for sharing..
but can you please share the video tutorials of v3 as well.
No problem buddy, here's the training, there are 5 vids, less than 100 MB, Zippy Link:

Thank you a lot. This is why i love BBH community.Max +Rep for you
THANKS a lot
(09-07-2014 04:01 PM)whywork Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-07-2014 01:05 PM)imran702 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for sharing..
but can you please share the video tutorials of v3 as well.
No problem buddy, here's the training, there are 5 vids, less than 100 MB, Zippy Link:


Thanks for sharing the video tutorials and OTO'S . can you upload all the video training...they will be helpful for us.
(09-10-2014 05:48 PM)imran702 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing the video tutorials and OTO'S . can you upload all the video training...they will be helpful for us.
Not sure what you are referring to... here is a screenshot of members area displaying included training for core product - please compare to files I already uploaded. Also there are 3 vids with the "Level Black" OTO, I thought I had included those in Post#26 but if not let me know and I will upload.

[Image: Core_Templates_and_Training.png]
great share thanks max reps added
Rep Added to you My Friend!...........
all links still working.. +5 Rep Given.. Thank you
GREAT share!

Repped all to the MAX!

Thanks a TON!
Thanks and +reps!
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