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Full Version: [Get] wpleadcelebrity GOODIES + OTOs !!
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hey guys,

Not sure if this has been shared, couldn't find it anywhere else. Wink

Direct Download Link:

Make Mirrors If you like them!!

Smile Wink
I don't see anything there. Those links are all to sales pages,most of witch are closed? Of course I did not check every single one but I checked 10 or 15 and nothing. Are there any links to anything useful or what?

There seems to be a lot of crap posted here the last few days, all in the name of "REPS".
Yup thats all I could find as well. OP if you managed any of these please AIO. Thank you.
Hello to all, there is a ton of stuff there. I have downloaded about 68 zip files. Once I sort through them I will attempt to put them AIO and repost. The stuff is there you just have to look. Hope this helps.
(08-12-2014 12:56 PM)ohohoy Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see anything there. Those links are all to sales pages,most of witch are closed? Of course I did not check every single one but I checked 10 or 15 and nothing. Are there any links to anything useful or what?

There seems to be a lot of crap posted here the last few days, all in the name of "REPS".
I didnt post it for the reps, so stop your unnecessary post.

If you looked carefully, there are some good zip files full of graphics.

Open your eyes properly. Wink

(08-12-2014 02:10 PM)ZenMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hello to all, there is a ton of stuff there. I have downloaded about 68 zip files. Once I sort through them I will attempt to put them AIO and repost. The stuff is there you just have to look. Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for clearing that up buddy Smile
After additional investigation the reason there are downloadable files just not wpleadcelebrity as far as I can see. Very sorry not showing thanks. Thank you OP max +Rep given.
you're welcome :) glad you liked it.

Thank you
Even now there are some good nuggets in there. Thanks
This is awesome share for local business marketers but sadly i am not.Thanks for the goodie!Max reps added!
Sucks that all links are dead ! Anyone has a mirror of other to these files?
Pages: 1 2
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