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anyone for a share or a gb ? thanks
Do you know if this is a self hosted script?

I see they have two different options, but they are vague in explaining how it's actually installed.

Scroll down to the section of the sales letter under "Custom.php" - I'm wondering if this is just a set of limited files they give you that connects to a secure core on their servers?
@NonConfomer ...dont know the details ...if I cant host them on my server , then guessing a GB is out...?
How to I subscribe to a thread on this forum?
(08-13-2014 12:55 AM)bobmcalister Wrote: [ -> ]@NonConfomer ...dont know the details ...if I cant host them on my server , then guessing a GB is out...?
How to I subscribe to a thread on this forum?
I couldn't find any other info on it. I'm assuming they are being vague on purpose.

As for the group buy, you'll have to figure out if you can install on multiple sites with multiple users and how they track users, if they even track users.

The subscribe to thread function isn't active any longer. It might be implemented again in the future after some upgrades.
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