08-09-2014, 10:17 AM
BugMeBar lets you add a message to the top of the screen which a user
can dismiss. You can use a cookie if you like so that the notification
bar can stay gone once the website visitor has clicked close. Here are
the main options…
Set the target of where the bar will go, you can add it to anywhere you want
Enter the message (including HTML content)
Set colours for message, links and transition colours
Align message and close button
Remember close with a cookie
Set cookie expiry time
Name your cookie
Turn CSS3 transitions on/off
Turn CSS3 animations on/off
Use a fixed position bar so it sticks to top of the page
Already got a fixed header? No problem, use a fixed spacer to push existing fixed headers down
Set a z-index to make sure BugMeBar stays on top of everything.
Demo :
Download Link:
http://Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE/anpdykamhhcn/codecanyon-5299073-bugmebar-a-simple-little-notification-plugin.rar.html