If this is not the latest version then why this new editor arises in my cms pro ? Can u explain ?
(08-06-2014 08:01 PM)tigermate Wrote: [ -> ]@magepo
If this is not the latest version then why this new editor arises in my cms pro ? Can u explain ?
the shared version has InnovaEditor and Redactor, the latest version has TinyMCE and Redactor
have been many changes made to all files on July 30, the package has not shared all of these changes, many dating back to May / June
however, the problem for me has been exceeded :D
Tricky update of the post by Author.
(08-07-2014 12:57 AM)tigermate Wrote: [ -> ]Tricky update of the post by Author.
often do not update it because the changes are minimal on file
yeah right. I wonder what is the current version of the update !
(08-07-2014 01:06 AM)tigermate Wrote: [ -> ]yeah right. I wonder what is the current version of the update !
the current version (July 31) has a lot of bugs in the editor, general css, plugins and theme, currently the best version is 3.80. we hope that this best version 4