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[Image: The-6-Pack-Secret-Program.jpg]

Here Are The 5 DUMBEST Mistakes You Can Ever Make If You Wanna Get Ripped.

1. Copying The Fitness Models and Bodybuilders You See In Magazines.

The sad truth is that fitness magazines lie to you. You can’t follow
the same plan as a fitness model with amazing genetics or a pro
bodybuilder who is pumped full of expensive steroids. It’s just insane
and not realistic. The freaks you see in the magazines have far superior
genetics than regular people like you and I and unless you are
genetically gifted or taking dangerous steroids many of these workouts
could put you in the hospital (and possibly even kill you).

If you attempt to train like a top bodybuilder (who is using
performance enhancing drugs), or a genetically gifted world class
fitness model (who is already in amazing physical shape), your body won’t respond the same way
that theirs does because you probably won’t be able to recover as fast
from the amount of sets, reps, and volume that these guys do.

Many pro bodybuilders train just about every day of the week…but the
steroids they take dramatically enhance their recovery and training
ability. These guys have a tremendous advantage over
people like you and I because steroids allow them to train “insane” and
get shredded regardless of what they do in the gym.

So unless you’re one of the few genetic elite or willing to risk
cancer, small balls, and even death from taking steroids you’re just not
going to have the luxury of unlimited recovery ability and limitless

2. Wasting Your Money on Hyped Up, Expensive, Worthless Supplements.

I know hearing this may come as a shock to you but…

…fitness and bodybuilding magazines (aka supplement catalogs) are owned and operated by supplement companies and they rarely offer any workout advice that isn’t rehashed and obsolete.

Most of what you read in the large majority of muscle mags is
targeted at people who are already have great genetics or already have a
great physique.

And the workouts are purposely written to overtrain you
so that you so that you eventually get so frustrated that you start
feeling as if you can’t succeed unless you buy their supplements.

The fact is that every supplement company is owned by a major muscle magazine.

Muscle and Fitness and Flex own Weider.

Muscle Mag International owns Muscle Tech.

Muscular Development owns Twinlab.

Muscle Media owns EAS.

IronMan owns Muscle-Linc.

How crafty is it that the same company that owns the magazine also
owns the supplement company! Now you know why so many supplements and
powders get those amazing “5 page feature article” and great reviews!

Oh, and by the way, none of these supplements are quality tested by any sort of governing body and most are filled with unhealthy fillers, sugars, rice flour, artificial flavors and sweeteners.

So they could be destroying your body from the inside out, and actually making you sick and unhealthy…and could even kill you.

The truth is that you don’t need flashy supplements
or extreme fat loss pills to get ripped. All you need is a solid
nutrition plan based on eating natural, healthy, inexpensive, yet
flavorful foods and combine that with a good training program.

STOP wasting your hard-earned money on hyped up, expensive “fat burner pills” and other useless bodybuilding supplements!

3. Doing Thousands Of Crunches, Sit-ups and Using Useless Ab Gadgets.

Even if you used the best ab machine or did thousands of crunches and
sit-ups every night…this WILL NOT help you lose your belly fat or give
you a flatter stomach.

Fact is, it is physically impossible to get rid of 5, 10, 20, or more
pounds of stomach fat doing “abdominal workouts” or “ab exercises”.

I use a unique strategy to get ripped fast and I’ll show you exactly
which exercises I use to burn fat 5 times faster in just a minute. The
weird part is that most of these exercises are not even “ab exercises”

4. Starving yourself on miserable “fat loss” diets that never work.

I’m sure you’ve probably tried and failed using a few different “fat loss diets” in the past.

Most of these diets were doomed to fail before you even got started.

Here’s why. Diets are temporary fixes and all they
do is stress you out, give you terrible cravings, make you feel trapped,
and ruin your social life. Plus, most of the “fat loss diets” out there
these days require you to basically starve yourself, give up carbs,
fats, and all of your favorite foods. That’s no way to live your life!

Let’s be honest, you want to get ripped so you can command respect
and turn heads. You want a ripped, muscular, healthy look. Not a skinny
ripped “that dude looks hungry” weakling look. You can’t starve yourself
if you want to be lean and ripped…your muscles need fuel to grow!

You’re going to be surprised when I show you a new way of eating that
tricks your body into burning a ton of calories…all while eating your
favorite foods…
5. Believing that getting ripped abs is all based on genetics.

Look, there are a ton of shredded posers with websites out there who
are more than willing to dish out bad advice to you if you’re willing to

You may hear people tell you that you will never lose your belly fat
and get a six pack because you just don’t have the “right genes.” You
may hear people tell you that you are “big boned” or just “have a slow

I’m calling BS. This sort of nonsense always seems to be the first
lie your trainer will tell you when they actually have no clue how to
help you. I don’t care if your mama, cousin, uncle, sister, brother,
girlfriend, boyfriend, trainer etc says you can’t do it. I say YOU CAN.

The truth is that even if you have the “worst genes” ever, if you
make better food choices and start working out smarter you can build
just about any type of body you want. My story, along with the tons of testimonials on this site are living proof of that.


Magic Button :
Thanks. :)
Thanks for the share.
Excellent share!!

Thank you.

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