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Information about how to get the therapy device that’s based on NASA technology.

How a former brain cancer patient keeps his cancer from returning. The secret? A once-a-month routine he does right here in America

What cancer patients MUST avoid eating – yet conventional American cancer doctors ignore this cancer-feeding food

Detoxification: How to help your largest organ – your skin – eliminate waste. It’s perhaps the finest possible bath, but it uses no water.

The best way to give your lymphatic system a good, detoxifying flush – you can easily do this at home in just 10 minutes

How German doctors tear down the acid wall that hides cancer cells from your immune system. The secret is a natural substance you can easily buy at a health food store or over the Internet. Try this and your immune cells can locate and kill the cancer cells.

I’ll also give you the practical information you need:

The best way to get to the clinic you’ve chosen
Where your relative or companion should stay during your treatment
Sights to see and things to do in Germany as you regain your health


Magic Button :
Thanks Still Standing, I'll pass this on to my sister who had bilateral radical mastectomy recently. I just hope she opens her mind more about alternative therapies for illnesses.
Love your alternative health shares, thanks.
Thank you for the share. The book serves also as a great advertisement for these German Clinics. It is true that some famous people with money got treatments there and had some good results. If only our American doctors could think outside the box...
5+ reps added.
I would really appreciate this report. All existing links are either down or reporting malicious malware and wont download. Any chance of a reupload Stillstanding. Many thanks

thanks in advance
Solid links still work. Thanks!
(06-25-2016 02:26 AM)SpacemanX Wrote: [ -> ]I would really appreciate this report. All existing links are either down or reporting malicious malware and wont download. Any chance of a reupload Stillstanding. Many thanks

Here you go:
(06-25-2016 02:38 AM)GMAN100 Wrote: [ -> ]COULD YOU PLEASE RE-UP TO MEGA

thanks in advance

Request granted. Give hugs and kisses to StillStanding

Magic Button :!StcE1K5C!MtESiEcwgr5yV05A56EZwEz0ZF2SdsTeoaNMKc9naPU
Thank you StillStanding and scanvenger for these most valuable ebooks. Rep added
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