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Full Version: [WP] CodeCanyon X-Commander v1.0 File Manager and Built-in Picture/Code Editor (Wordpress Plugin) - Retail
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**BUILT-IN PICTURE EDITOR [Image: love.gif]

**JSFIDDLE CODE EDITING [Image: lol.gif]

** [Image: welcome.gif]

Let me just say this is one bad-@zz plugin :D Many different ways it could be useful, so read below check pics. If you enjoy it throw some money at this guy. all too many plugins these days are so poorly slapped together using existing css snippets and it makes me sick how much $$ these guys making. Rarely you do get one or two that are not only well-coded but you can see passion went into it. Hope you enjoy it. as per retail download, re-7zp'd.

[Image: 5nksom.jpg]
[Image: 2ekm6n7.jpg]

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thanks great share !
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