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Full Version: Where's Everybody?
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Hey guys, I was wondering how come there's only like 3k people here? Does a lot of people know about this site or? But yeah, we need more exposure!
(06-13-2011 06:08 AM)BlackNinjaX Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, I was wondering how come there's only like 3k people here? Does a lot of people know about this site or? But yeah, we need more exposure!

Almost all were busy! 47happy
Expect more people to come cause we havent start our advertising campaign yet but for now mods were really too busy in adding thousands of WSO and DP products, ripping vip forums. 42rock
Yup they are busy mate and always with the Motto "Rip,Rip,Rip"
Everybody behind "MORE TO COME"... Relax..
That's good, cause you guys are doing this INDEPENDENTLY. We are UNDERGROUND doing big thangs!
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