08-01-2014, 08:04 PM
Hey Guys,
Today i'm gonna show you a method i've been using for a long time now , with great results!
I'm sure that i don't have to explain how important it is to have Facebook likes for a website as many as possible , so i'll just skip that ;)
Facebook accounts - the more the better
Like4like accounts - the more the better
A brain (so u could follow) - 1 is enough ;)
Ok , so let's combine the ingredients into something tasty!
Basicly , we don't want to send the likes directly to our website , there's a good reason for that.
Let's say that 50k users liked your website directly , that's cool ain't that so?
They can like your page ONE time only , unless they dislike and like again , and that wont change the like count.
What if you could get them to like over and over again , but this time not directly , you send them to like your post on Facebook wich includes your website address.
Here's a fact that many people don't know:
When you post/share your website on Facebook it will add +1 to the overall like count , and all the likes that your post gets are added to the like count also!
Got the point?!
Let's do some math:
You post your website address to 50 different Facebook accounts , then you send let's say 100 likes to each and one of them
50x100 = 5,000 likes.
And let's say you don't want to use social exchange sites ,you want to like all the posts using your different accounts , i mean , you take all the permlinks and put them into a text file , then you like all of them by using your accounts , you can do so in 2 ways : 1.manually(yuck) 2.iMacros script or other automation program.(yay!)
50x50 = 2,500 likes.
Now what if you post 50 times on each account?
And what if you post it on your friends wall too?
Can you see the possibilities here?!
Personaly , i use both tactics for max resaults , and when i say max i mean at least 30k likes a week for 1 website.
If you don't own Facebook accounts don't worry , you can still post on your wall and on your friends wall, make sure that the posts are public.
Remember to make the posts interesting and different from eachother , you don't want you webside to get black listed.
That's it for now , i hope this information was useful for some of you.
Today i'm gonna show you a method i've been using for a long time now , with great results!
I'm sure that i don't have to explain how important it is to have Facebook likes for a website as many as possible , so i'll just skip that ;)
Facebook accounts - the more the better
Like4like accounts - the more the better
A brain (so u could follow) - 1 is enough ;)
Ok , so let's combine the ingredients into something tasty!
Basicly , we don't want to send the likes directly to our website , there's a good reason for that.
Let's say that 50k users liked your website directly , that's cool ain't that so?
They can like your page ONE time only , unless they dislike and like again , and that wont change the like count.
What if you could get them to like over and over again , but this time not directly , you send them to like your post on Facebook wich includes your website address.
Here's a fact that many people don't know:
When you post/share your website on Facebook it will add +1 to the overall like count , and all the likes that your post gets are added to the like count also!
Got the point?!
Let's do some math:
You post your website address to 50 different Facebook accounts , then you send let's say 100 likes to each and one of them
50x100 = 5,000 likes.
And let's say you don't want to use social exchange sites ,you want to like all the posts using your different accounts , i mean , you take all the permlinks and put them into a text file , then you like all of them by using your accounts , you can do so in 2 ways : 1.manually(yuck) 2.iMacros script or other automation program.(yay!)
50x50 = 2,500 likes.
Now what if you post 50 times on each account?
And what if you post it on your friends wall too?
Can you see the possibilities here?!
Personaly , i use both tactics for max resaults , and when i say max i mean at least 30k likes a week for 1 website.
If you don't own Facebook accounts don't worry , you can still post on your wall and on your friends wall, make sure that the posts are public.
Remember to make the posts interesting and different from eachother , you don't want you webside to get black listed.
That's it for now , i hope this information was useful for some of you.