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Inside, I will reveal to you:
  • Why you're probably making the single biggest mistake when it comes to controlling your blushing...why it's so common and how you can identify it and remove it from your life FOREVER.
  • The 3 pre-programmed mental faults blushers have, how they're
    often caused by the environment you place yourself in and how you can
    short-circuit them out of your life
  • Ever wonder why you end up blushing in some situation whereas in others you're completely calm? I can tell you why.
    I can help you identify the situations where blushing occurs, how you
    can prepare yourself for it and how you can avoid it. I'll also show you
    the 5 most common places that trigger blushing.
  • The "Reduction Formula"... a strategy I created after talking
    to therapists about blushing. I've been taught the techniques and know
    what works and what doesn't. I'll reveal them to you without you having
    to tell a stranger your life story. Plus you'll save thousands of dollars in therapists fees.
  • I'll reveal to you the one herbal remedy that DID make a difference. Why it did and where you can get it from.
  • Do you actually know what happens to your body when you blush?
    I've talked to doctors about it and I can explain to you exactly how it
    occurs. Knowing your own body is the essential when learning to stop
  • Why do we blush? I'll show you the 9 most common reasons why people can't stop blushing and solutions to each of them.
  • AND...I'll give you the solution to excessive sweating so that you'll never have to shake a persons hand with sweaty palms again.
  • 5 simple and easy physical exercises that you can do to prevent blushing. I'll reveal to you tension-reducing massage techniques and easy to learn postures that you can use on yourself to reduce stress.
  • PLUS... How creating positive "feedback loops" in your mind will increase your confidence and make you a naturally positive person that people want to be around.
  • The SECRET to remaining calm when a blushing attack occurs.
    I'll reveal how to relax and get your blushing under control within 30
    seconds or less. This major tool made a HUGE impact on my life, after learning this I always knew exactly what to do when an attack occurred.
  • The social skills charismatic networkers like Bill Clinton use
    to create instant friends using small talk. Once you've mastered your
    blushing problems you'll soon be eager to learn this so you'll know how
    to avoid those awkward silences.
  • ALSO... ancient visualization, meditation and breathing
    techniques I was taught by a Indian Yogi and how they can be applied to
    your daily life so you end up as a calm relaxed and free from anxiety.
  • Some people don't know that your diet can affect your blushing -
    did you? I created my own personalized meal plan with recipes which
    regulates the body and makes it easier for you to stop blushing.
  • The SIX techniques used by public speakers to keep themselves
    calm when under the spotlight and how you can apply them when in front
    of a large group of people.
  • ...AND... The 7 keys to reprogramming your brain and turning yourself into a calm social being, you'll never be afraid of another social interaction again.

...and MUCH, much more.


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