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Full Version: WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter
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[Image: 6qkDLQ7.jpg]
WordPress auto spinner rewrites wordpress posts automatically to
get fresh new content by replacing words and phrases by it’s synonyms on
auto pilot.
Demo :

Download Link:
http://Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE/r43sdb59nfz6/Wordpress_Auto_Spinner_-_Articles_Rewriter.rar.html
Version 1.01 (:

Last update: 18 MAR 2014. Version: 3.0.0 Platform: for Wordpress .
Nice Share Rep for your share.


Spins Rubbish like most spinners do the fail part of these spinners and this one is no exceptions to the rule is this.

Developer has little or no concept of the English language and how synonyms work and how to use them correctly.

Or they didn't take the time to add synonyms correctly they just threw a list in the plugin and that was it.

You will have to rewrite every article to make it sound correct after all we English speaking don't substitute "how to lose those extra pounds" with "how to lose those extra kilos" or at least I wouldn't!

Here is a test phrase from an article I tested, spun version is "Put out of your mind all these common 3D printers"

Original version is "Forget all those regular 3D printers"

A little more effort this program would be worth using on a wordpress site.

Another problem is when I spun the article it never highlighted the synonyms so I could change them how I seen fit rendering point and click correction useless.
It does have a spinrewritter api, so that would work...if you have it.
re-download. I check file. No problem.
Dude...stop bulk posting any JUNK without even testing, checking version, or better yet searching forum if its alredy listed. At the very least have the courtesy and COMMON SENSE to post the version number???!

All your post are the same, you remind me of gold farmers lol
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