07-29-2014, 02:03 PM
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nfographics For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to creating data
visualization with viral appeal. Written by the founder of Infographic
World, a New York City based infographic agency, and his top designers,
the book focuses on the how-to of data, design, and distribution to
create stunning, shareable infographics. Step-by-step instruction allows
you to handle data like a pro, while creating eye-catching graphics
with programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The book walks you
through the different types of infographics, explaining why they're so
effective, and when they're appropriate.
Contents at a Glance
Introduction..... 1
Part I :Getting Started with Infographics.... 5
Chapter 1 :Unlocking the Power of Infographics....7
Chapter 2 :Exploring Infographics.....19
Chapter 3 :Designing Your Approach to Infographics.....35
Part II :Starting with Data.... 57
Chapter 4 :Informing Yourself.....59
Chapter 5 :Gathering Your Data.....77
Chapter 6 :Discovering the Story....93
Part III :Depicting with Delightful Design.... 115
Chapter 7 :Creating Wireframes and Managing Mood Boards.....117
Chapter 8 :Designing Around a Theme.....135
Chapter 9 :Designing Infographics in Adobe Illustrator.....153
Chapter 10 :Designing Infographics in Photoshop.....193
Chapter 11 :Expanding Your Tools and Techniques....225
Part IV :Ready to Distribute..... 241
Chapter 12 :Launching Your Infographic....243
Chapter 13 :Promoting Your Infographic....255
Part V :The Part of Tens..... 273
Chapter 14 :Ten Infographics Trends to Follow.....275
Chapter 15 :Ten Future Infographic Uses to Try Today.....283
Magic Button :
nfographics For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to creating data
visualization with viral appeal. Written by the founder of Infographic
World, a New York City based infographic agency, and his top designers,
the book focuses on the how-to of data, design, and distribution to
create stunning, shareable infographics. Step-by-step instruction allows
you to handle data like a pro, while creating eye-catching graphics
with programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The book walks you
through the different types of infographics, explaining why they're so
effective, and when they're appropriate.
Contents at a Glance
Introduction..... 1
Part I :Getting Started with Infographics.... 5
Chapter 1 :Unlocking the Power of Infographics....7
Chapter 2 :Exploring Infographics.....19
Chapter 3 :Designing Your Approach to Infographics.....35
Part II :Starting with Data.... 57
Chapter 4 :Informing Yourself.....59
Chapter 5 :Gathering Your Data.....77
Chapter 6 :Discovering the Story....93
Part III :Depicting with Delightful Design.... 115
Chapter 7 :Creating Wireframes and Managing Mood Boards.....117
Chapter 8 :Designing Around a Theme.....135
Chapter 9 :Designing Infographics in Adobe Illustrator.....153
Chapter 10 :Designing Infographics in Photoshop.....193
Chapter 11 :Expanding Your Tools and Techniques....225
Part IV :Ready to Distribute..... 241
Chapter 12 :Launching Your Infographic....243
Chapter 13 :Promoting Your Infographic....255
Part V :The Part of Tens..... 273
Chapter 14 :Ten Infographics Trends to Follow.....275
Chapter 15 :Ten Future Infographic Uses to Try Today.....283