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I have yet to go to modules 2 and 3 but module 1, as the name suggests it is really an unconventional way of choosing a niche.

If you're going to ask if have we seen the method, probably not. But as for the effectiveness, I still have to go through the next module to know that, and right now I'm pretty much pooped.

[i][b]Edit: for those who PMd me for detailed review of module 1 here you go...
[i]After the quick intro (every course has one) and course overview there's module 1.

On this module, there are exactly, 4 lessons not counting the module overview and recap (frankly, the overview and recap could have been removed from the course as it offers very little value).

Now the course advises the use of his own method which I admit have never heard before but does make sense when I thought about it. After thinking things through based on several criteria he mentioned the course instructs you to combine it using tables (again this is his method) and only after it do you niche it down which again he has a different way of doing which for me kinda worked.

After niching it down, you have to base your niche result by the several markets he mentioned which includes the big three, and if I'm not mistaken he also added another two or three markets to target aside from our usual suspects.

That's basically the geist of the 1st module.

What I like: The worksheets with samples at the end of each lesson and the step by step process.

What I don't like: The method is kinda weird granted that this is the first I've done it. The module overview and recap could have been taken away to save time. I also find the pacing slow. And lastly, module 1 will require you to work your ass off a bit because of all that brainstorming thingy (sorry, just don't like working in general. lol).

That's it.

[/i]Module 2 is about checking profitability of the niche you chose on module 1 and I'll be posting a review once I get through it.
Thanks for the review. I don't know if this is worth the time from
what you posted as market research has been covered much in IM
Frankly I don't know. Like I've said, first time I've used the method he mentioned. As far as market research goes, I have yet to finish module 2 or 3 so again I don't know. lol!
UHhhhh... thanks
any new coupon for this?
@ Juan, The Free coupon is still working.
Thanks for all your efforts bro +5REP Really appreciate it
Which one is still free
my good friend?....

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@ Juan, The Free coupon is still working.
@eonjohn that's not true...the coupon is not working
for making things simple

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