The keygen is not generating registration name in windows 8! i tried BlackNinjx but that also not working.... any solution?
The second IP to block changed:
216 . 176 . 185 . 2
The first one is as always:
208 . 115 . 108 . 42
New IP to block:
Thanks alot.
But im using Symantec Endpoint Protection, i cant block IP outcoming, please help me.
Here is how to get it to work.
Instructions (credits to ija61):
1. Go to 'control panel' -> 'windows firewall'
2. Click 'advanced settings' on the left.
3. Right click 'outbound rules', and click 'new rule'.
4. Select 'custom', click next.
5. On the program step, leave 'all programs' selected, click next.
6. On the protocol and ports step, click next.
7. On the scope step, under the remote ip addresses click the 'these ip addresses' radio, and click the add button.
8. Add the ip address: '', and click okay.
9. On the action tab, click 'block the connection', and click next.
10. On the profile tab, click next.
11. On the name tab, give it a name and click finish.
12. RESTART your pc/vps/dedicated Windows OS > yes again!!!
13. Fire up BlackNinjx's KeyGen
14. Choose the product option [use the order they are in, on the keygen, to stop confusion for what ones you have done!] Put in a username of your choice, click GENERATE a few times, copy the registration key to your software
15. Re-generate new key for upgrade
16. Disconnect your internet every time before you open your computer
18. After you open the program, reconnect to internet
17. Repeat step 13-16 with ALL SEOPS applications
Or just try step 13 to 16 without adding any host.
I am not test it yet. If it work for you please reply.
invalid registration key :(
if any help for this new "invalid registration key" problems will be apreciated
(08-01-2014 08:28 PM)djsimo17 Wrote: [ -> ]If it blocks again make sure to block all these ips as mine has been connecting to these.
That got it to work for me. Follow OP instructions + add these IPs to block list