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Full Version: {Req} Some Technique to Increase SEO to Help2Self
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Hi Guys,
I have got a website "" where I am publishing articles from various topics such as dating,online marketing, life, and from many area will this reduce in finding website ? how actually we can SEO it get ranked higher. I have used SEO by Yoast in site and I edit focus keyword and most of time let title and description be as it is.

Is there some techniqe at least to increase site visitor which i ma looking for since I am newbie. That would be wonderful even just to see few more visitor visiting my website


Clean Site, your side bar is empty under your sign-up is that awaiting adsense?
I notice that you do not have a social plugin. You need one. You can use a free one if want to.
like social feather which will put the main social networks under everypost allowing for sharing.
Buy some fan page likes from fivver and build out your social platforms. A G+ page, a Twitter Account for the site, A Pinterest board, etc....Your site is prime for social viral traffic if done properly. Also make some videos and create a Ytube channel to drive up your traffic as well. Google will love that. Just make sure you have all the pages the big G requires other than just the about us page. Contact Us page, Privacy Policy. Then build backlinks with a program ,service or by yourself. Or all the above slow and steady wins that race. If send out out every post to social networks you will get traffic and repeat traffic all naturally and all viral. You cover many topics on your site so your Newsletter maybe a bit challenging to cover everything for everybody but you can focus on just a couple a month. Building and Nuturing your list. good luck!
Great advice from Blueturtletech, follow it. What may help is a free WP plugin: NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster, which will send all your posts to a load of social sites such as twitter, FB, tumblr etc. Worth a look.
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