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Full Version: [GET] Ultimate Offline Directory Complete with All Bonus Offers!
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Is this same as the 2014 version?
Nice share man...
(03-06-2015 01:34 AM)smartshoppinggg Wrote: [ -> ]Is this same as the 2014 version?
Yes, I just checked and it is the same exact product. 2014 and 2015 are exactly the same.
I'm wondering if this is as bad a product as I read knowledgeable members reports about others of the reillylabs product's?
Could someone share their thoughts? thanks in advance.

INFO - | Major Cock up

t1trinity review about Quick Cash Local Leads from Reillylabs
Ultimate Offline Directory wast of time or good opportunity?
(03-06-2015 07:45 AM)betblhat Wrote: [ -> ]Ultimate Offline Directory wast of time or good opportunity?
I don't know. I have no interest in most of the products I share or crack, I only do it to help out the community. Seeing you have been here for 4 years and havnt done too much to give back to this great forum why not check out the product and share your own personal review with everyone? I am sure many people would be very grateful. Just a thought Cool
"This terms have 5,000 searches per month" is total BS.

For dentists, you have around 10%-15% of the total population is searches.

This means a town of 60,000 will have around 600 TOTAL searches with all combined dentist searches...

The idea is good the VSL inflated...
Thanks for sharing.
Full +5rep added. Greatly appreciated.
Great share Malice! Max Rep added!
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