Worth a .ook thanks and repped
Thanks for the effort.
Like him or not he knows his stuff. This course is the way to go if you want to write fiction. All the elements are covered and strategies you need to make in this lucrative field. I joined this class when it first started and looked forward to every new class.
Yeah, kinda like that school teacher you always hated, but you seemed to learn the most from.
Though is style kinda sucks - there is value in the material!
(07-23-2014 12:16 PM)am264 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and Great share, although I can't stand Howard. The guy running the webinars.
Thanks, very useful share. Rep added
hey there. i'm d/ling now to my copy acct. thanks and maxreps to you!
i opened my copy acct from another post in here already. can i open another acct under your link to help u out? how would i do that if possible?
all members should be using copy.com imho. it makes sharing so easy.
Just use different name and email, use somewhere like gmx.com or others that supply multi email accounts. Repp Added for OP.
(09-17-2014 03:33 AM)JohnMajors Wrote: [ -> ]@nowinzen
hey there. i'm d/ling now to my copy acct. thanks and maxreps to you!
i opened my copy acct from another post in here already. can i open another acct under your link to help u out? how would i do that if possible?
all members should be using copy.com imho. it makes sharing so easy.