(08-02-2014 02:57 PM)musclelegman Wrote: [ -> ]Account has expired.....
Link has been updated
Love this kind of case study videos.
Hey Guys, I reached my bandwidth limit for the month in my wisita account where these videos are located. If you want to watch them, youll have to wait until my account resets my limit at the end of the 30day cycle.
Hey gamn. Got any coaching offers for someone who has an adult site,some traffic but zero to invest haha
Account has expired...again
(07-21-2014 02:34 AM)gamn13 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE (8.11.2014): I Just noticed I hit my bandwidth limit for this wistia account. Im glad you guys are watching the videos and hopefully implementing what I shared. These videos are truly just the tip of the iceberg, if anyone is interested in my 1 on 1 adult affiliate marketing coaching then PM Me, I currently have 2 slots open and I do mean 2 slots.
These videos will be back once my bandwidth limit is reset after the monthly cycle.
(08-20-2014 01:36 AM)rainbowdrifter Wrote: [ -> ]Hey gamn. Got any coaching offers for someone who has an adult site,some traffic but zero to invest haha
Man... PM me... Ive been in adult for over 8yrs.. I cant give away real secrets here.