Best Blackhat Forum

Full Version: I love this Forum!
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Hey Guys, just wanted to take a few minutes to express my gratitude and Respect for this great Community! I am just a few weeks in my VIP Membership and i already know it was the best Decision i ever made, since going into Internet Marketing! No marketing hype to increase the number of VIP Members...just the honest Truth!
Seriously, i am also a member in other blackhatforums but so far, i couldn´t get the same value in any other Blackhat Community! Of course there also are some nutjobs and cheapskate rip-Offs around here but they are usually banned fast and the number of cool people that i met through the site makes it VERY well worth it!

Well, yeah, thank you Guys for keeping this community running and for making some things a lot easier! Thanks to all the Posters, crackers and other Users! A forum like this is a great tool for people who don´t have the money to buy the expensive software that you need to stand a chance in the shark tank called Internet!
Love you Guys! Smile
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