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could use help polishing up syntax and renaming vars
FB Code/Secret is ur normal code secret for an fb app, i assuming its hooking to ur own

Also the purchase code is calculated as above in the file i posted. cant really tell till sommeone cleans it but its roughly hash value of a license key and domain..but long story short nulling will be cake.

above file = base.php
(07-21-2014 06:33 PM)maxiptc Wrote: [ -> ]here :

what is the purchase code plz ??

// License Settings
define('PURCHASE_CODE', 'PASTE_PURCHASE_CODE_HERE'); // Needed to correct run and update script

= purchase code ?

define('LICENSE_KEY', 'PASTE_LICENSE_KEY_HERE'); // You can get it from

// Facebook APP Settings
define('FB_APP_ID', 'APP_ID');
define('FB_APP_SECRET', 'APP_SECRET'); fb APP secret ??
---------------wrong post
hey thanks bud, there are two files in the base folder that needed to be nulled - base.php and controller.php, which file was the one you posted?
(07-21-2014 11:05 PM)Loomy69za Wrote: [ -> ]Done...well 1 file -.-
here is the old version of base.php:

namespace Base;

abstract class Base
    private $sdk;

    protected function sdk()
            require_once ROOT_PATH.'/lib/facebook.php';

            $this->sdk = new \Facebook(array(
                'appId'     => FB_APP_ID,
                'secret'    => FB_APP_SECRET,

        return $this->sdk;

    protected function db()
        global $db;

        return $db;

    protected function isAuth()
        return !empty($_SESSION['user']['id']);

    protected function isAdmin()
        $query = $this->db()->prepare('SELECT user_id FROM admin WHERE user_id = :admin_id');
            'admin_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'],
        $adminDB_ID = $query->fetchColumn();

        if($_SESSION['user']['id'] == $adminDB_ID){
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
Was someone keen to null this, or should i go for it
please nulled it..
Pages: 1 2
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