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Full Version: A few Ping Sites and Others I use daily to get great links and exposure
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Hi Guys,

First post here so be kind on me.

I use the following Free services to get indexed quickly and some great backlinks - some may have been mentioned previous others not but here we go. this has various options - helps quickly reindex a Youtube video if you make changes.

Free Press release services - works very well and you can backlink within the press release your other links, youtube videos,etc. I have had very good results with these platforms and any links within them have been lifted in the SERPS quickly following a posting.

If your PR is picked up by some of the news feeds - it gets spread around, very quickly and this gives you a large amount of high quality backlinks -

Upload a PDF - great for ranking - also if your pdf is landscape it will enable you to add your Youtube videos this creates great backlinks for your videos.

Dailymotion video sharing - worth uploading to as ranks very quickly and well.

With all these platforms - if you add all your links from each other back to the other this will strengthen all the mediums overall.

One other tip - when linking from a Youtube video, don't use the Youtube share link but the link in the top url - I find that some systems don't like the short url Youtube gives and it doesn't accept them.

I hope this is of help to some - I as a business use these daily so know they work and help.
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