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Full Version: [GET] [UPDATED Jan 15] Codecanyon - Origins Video Game Portal [Lifetime Updates]
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Hi, base from huge demands in this thread here I decided to buy this product for fellow BBFH members. Please I am not the author so every bug or any problem don't ask me, documentation is pretty clear, installed it successfully in my localhost.

[Image: prev.png]

Origins - Video Games Portal
Please check the thread occasionally for latest version of this product
Sales Page is right here

-20 June 2014 : Previous version link is right here

- 15 July 2014 : Latest update link is right here
Changelog for older version :
Quote: - Fixed a problem with tag removal - repository.php
- Fixed some csrf token problems - filters.php
- Fixed a problem with contact form - views/dashboard/settings.blade.php, lib\services\mailer.php
- Fixed a problem with genres that have slash in them - eloquent/game.php
- Fixed a problem with image links when creating games manually - app/lib/eloquent/image.php
- News and custom pages will now have unique title instead of base one. - app/views/news/show.blade.php, app/views/pages/show.blade.php
- Fixed some visual problems in new review creation page - app/views/reviews/create.blade.php
- When logged in as an admin clicking on 'new review' button in game page will not take you to separate review creation page. - app/views/games/show.blade.php, reviewController.php
- Added RSS feeds for latest games,videos and top rated games - app/lib/services/feedmaker.php, app/controllers/feedController.php, app/routes.php

Please PM me if link is dead. Thanks for not just leeching, I don't put password inside. So have fun!


New Update 13 January 2015


- Games pages will now show latest news about the game if any were found.
- New and improved layout for homepage, main and index games pages.
- Twitch API integration.
- Improvements to the way games are fetched, more relevant and newer ones should now display on all the pages.
- Security improvements.
- Fixed a bug with pagination allowing to go beyond available pages.
- News on the tag pages will now be ordered by date.
- Deleting images from media manager will now correctly remove them from filesystem as well as database.
- Fixed a bug with search not working when there are quotes in the search query.
- Fixed a bug where the script would redirect you to wrong url after creating a new game.
- Fixed several bugs with release date formatting.
- Fixed several problems with translated urls.
- Fixed a problem with dates not getting formatted properly after editing or creating a game.
- Fixed a bug with games and videos not being deletable from dashboard when their urls are translated.
- Fixed a problem where videos wouldn't be searched when data provider was set to 'db'.
- Fixed a problem with users not being able to delete their reviews sometimes.
- Corrected the sorting options in user profile.
- Improved navbar usability on phones.
- Fixed an issue with videos not playing on main video page.
- Improved video modal sizing on different screen sizes.

Click here to download

Scan Result

[Image: avast.png]

thanks bro :)
great... thanks... rep+ added
Wow great share, + REP added, thanks
great share thank you also

+MAX REP for using your own $$$ to further testing for other bbhf members, prior to them buying the item ;-)


NOTE: the vba js injection shown on the virustotal scan above, seems to be on a lot of scans with vt, just make sure the header of your site code can be seen as this is the section where an overtake or deface will occur.


Here is a website, with the script running on it... seems clean enough, as long as the op's zip is the original, should be no problems...

[Image: screenshot_188.png]


Keep the thread updated with version changes and you will be contributing in a big way here ;-)

Nice work, sure puts that other dork, treedouche or treedraw or whatever his name is to shame. This is how BBFH keeps growing, with awesome members like you. +1
My Script isnt Working Now.. After Successfull Installation, it had Stopped Working.. It is not a Nulled Script.. Please Dude Null it..
Rep added. Thanks for this great script.
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