I see GB's and Free course shares by the hundreds but do they really work?
Whats the point in downloading them if your not following though or you've tried a MASS # and it hasnt worked for you?
Does this mean those programs are all just BULLSHIT???
I'd say YES. These are just programs designed to make the authors money. How many legit programs are there out there?
I'd say NILL. Think about it, would they be selling if they were making a fortune? Nada! It just doesnt happen. So why are you people wasting your time?
Thats really the big question. And if you did buy a program and you made money, why haven't you reported back with the results? Thats because there are no results and you never saw the success claimed.
Im just curious. If you have had success, let us know otherwise stop wasting your time.
I know my HD is full of crap i thought may work but in the end its a dead end.
I've had the same thoughts for two years.
Unfortunatly, the saying goes "do not judge a book by its cover". There are some very useful things out there. People like you are just educated and smart enough, however it's your task to sell "crap" to those who are not. But just because they look S***** or have those S***** sales videos, does NOT mean they are crap.
It´s just like with everything in life. If you download a bunch of Seminar Videos and expect them to do the work for you, you´ll get zero results. But if you are willing to put A LOT of work in it, you will certainly be able to get a lot of Information out of SOME Programs. Especially Programs about stuff like Ads and how to do split testing, retargeting and so on will save you a lot of money. Most WSO´s are full of shit but there are some people out there who know very well what they´re doing. There are some people in IM who have a lot of experience and can help you a lot.
Out of 10 WSO, There will be atleast 1 good one. and in that good one you have to take action to see results. Also some time you have to add your own twists to make them work.
If you just buy and dont implement it then youre just wasting your money.
This is the new age of the info-product junkie
it used to be the seminar junkie - now it's endless info products promising millions
Your attitude and mindset is what is holding you back, not any courses.
Looks like you are coming at it with a cynical scarcity mindset.
There are courses on here filled with amazing content and methods that can help you create endless long term wealth. It ain't gonna happen with that mindset though.
Focus, take action and implement what you learn. Test and track everything you are doing and concentrate and scale what works and dump what doesn't. Start with dumping this negative mindset.
I'll agree that the majority of wso's are turds. Stay the hell out of that place, it's a newbie predator feeding ground. Stop looking for gimmicks and build a real business.
You know why most people on here don't make any money?
Because they constantly chase after the next shiny object (gimmick) instead of building a long term business that provides value to their customers. Most of them don't even know what their market wants to begin with. Learn the "fundamentals" of marketing and copywriting and you'll have everything you need to write your own ticket anytime you want.
I win at memes.
Much of what you can download here can put you in the right mindset.
Then implement.Do the hard yards and the results will make you independent and a lot of money.
Stay away from here and actually do it.Dont just download and fill your hard drive
But first watch this