07-08-2014, 05:01 PM
![[Image: 51pacjg9+IL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-stic..._OU01_.jpg]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51pacjg9+IL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg)
not sure why some people still do not understand, kindle edition means that it is just an ebook in another format, you can read it on any device, and even with your pc, amazon has several options, download it to your cloud reader, so you can read it online, from the amazon servers, or you can download a tiny program from amazon that manages all your amazon purchases, and read all the 'kindle' books you buy, i have it on every computer, i just call them pc 1, pc 2, pc 3... you can call them whatever you want, for example, say you have 2 different computers by two different brand names, so you can call them, gateway and dell, if you want, then you can send your kindle purchases or freebies, directly to the computer you prefer... you can log into your amazon account from any computer and transfer any kindle ebook to any other computer or the cloud reader, the confusing part for most people, that they name this transfer 'deliver', so you have to deliver the ebook to another location, they do not call it tranfer... one hack, is to transfer your kindle book to a stick drive and from there you can download it to all of your devices, they may not all show up when you log into your main amazon account, but they will show up on every device when you open up the amazon reader on that device
anyways here is a great copywriting ebook that is free for the next few days on amazon, please thank the author by writing a review... if you have noticed a lot of kindle books are being offered free for one day only, i hate that, i am not online every day.... so if you find this guys email, please email him and thank him for making this free for a few days, please remind him, most people do not log on everyday!
THANK YOU carl picot
on another note, please study this lesson learned carefully, he is going to be selling this ebook soon, and most of the material in it is new, and valid and NOT his! YOU can do something like this too... hint... hint... good luck
get it here:
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