Hello everyone,
I am UBotBuddy and I am here because it was reported to me that my source code package was being shared here.
Being a Moderator myself I know the power of forums as well as the power of it's members. I do hope that you will be respectful of my business and not share my source code.
Not being a spammer, affiliate marketer, or any type of marketing person made me realize my gifts are in instruction and showing others how to use power tools such as UBot Studio.
I could have come in here with guns a blazing but I didn't.
I have given away my source code to many people and I did not think twice about it. But these people became my friends.
So if you want to learn the most powerful software on the planet. Great! Just ask me.
I have the largest library of training videos for UBot Studio so it would seem that it would be better to be my friend rather than my enemy. I am not going add my link in here out my respect for the Mods here and Lala.
Thank you for understanding!
Buddy a.k.a. "UBotBuddy"
Hi there could u send me some videos on how to create my own unique bots. Like how to code for any type of bot I would greatly appreciate Sir!!
Hmmm...that's a loaded request. I wish it were that simple.
Typically, the bot will be made up of a lot of commands to perform a specific task like screen scraping, account generation and even emailing.
The downside is that its not as simple as watching a couple of videos and then constructing a workable bot. I wish it were but I won't lie to you.
If it is something simple I might be able to throw it together for you. No charge for you since you are the 1st person inquiring.
I am working on a couple of bots that I want to share in here just to show my good faith to the group.
If you want to keep your idea out of public then just PM me.
I bought UBOT studio a few years ago I think it was 2009 or 2010. I was wanting to start making my own personal bots and found it difficult to learn. I admit I could have been a little more adamant about learning, but went for the next shiny object in my path. The last couple years I have sat back and mainly observed everything. I realize now in order to every make it online or offline you have to be motivated, persistent, and driven to succeed.
I can not think of a bot off hand since, I am focusing on product creation currently.
(07-09-2014 06:40 AM)noke2k16 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there could u send me some videos on how to create my own unique bots. Like how to code for any type of bot I would greatly appreciate Sir!!
(07-09-2014 07:27 AM)ubotbuddy Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm...that's a loaded request. I wish it were that simple.
Typically, the bot will be made up of a lot of commands to perform a specific task like screen scraping, account generation and even emailing.
The downside is that its not as simple as watching a couple of videos and then constructing a workable bot. I wish it were but I won't lie to you.
If it is something simple I might be able to throw it together for you. No charge for you since you are the 1st person inquiring.
I am working on a couple of bots that I want to share in here just to show my good faith to the group.
If you want to keep your idea out of public then just PM me.
scraping, account generation and even emailing : most of users here, perform macros doing this reptetive manip in few seconds,
If so, could you please explain - if a user buy ur product - how can he get profit from !!! if its not as simple as watching ur video tutorials ? or they have waiting you coding bots requested ?
I have nothing but respect for a developer who handles this situation like you did. I'm not familiar with your product but now I want to know more about it. Thanks for coming here without your guns blazing. I'm off to your site to learn more.
(07-07-2014 12:06 PM)ubotbuddy Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone,
I am UBotBuddy and I am here because it was reported to me that my source code package was being shared here.
Being a Moderator myself I know the power of forums as well as the power of it's members. I do hope that you will be respectful of my business and not share my source code.
Not being a spammer, affiliate marketer, or any type of marketing person made me realize my gifts are in instruction and showing others how to use power tools such as UBot Studio.
I could have come in here with guns a blazing but I didn't.
I have given away my source code to many people and I did not think twice about it. But these people became my friends.
So if you want to learn the most powerful software on the planet. Great! Just ask me.
I have the largest library of training videos for UBot Studio so it would seem that it would be better to be my friend rather than my enemy. I am not going add my link in here out my respect for the Mods here and Lala.
Thank you for understanding!
Buddy a.k.a. "UBotBuddy"
UBotBuddy and UBot Studio both are same?