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This forum is amazing! thanks for letting us know this is not worth it.
I didn't take it that way.. I was simply agreeing with you on the lack of new material or workable method print media that was in the course.
(07-07-2014 10:07 AM)CyberSan Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-07-2014 09:49 AM)imgamekc Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah one aspect I did not like was the newpaper aspect.. As many CPA offers do not allow print media.. to begin with. Yet that might work if you were promoting your own material. It would not be cheap even to buy a small circulation 1/12 page ad.. Other ideas are pretty much basic run of the yard stuff we see all the time. It was requested so I purchased it for the share..
(07-07-2014 06:23 AM)CyberSan Wrote: [ -> ]Well i read it its basically 19 pages of information based on picking cpa offers mostly freebies and offering or promoting them to coupon sites. Its a BS Course to invest and the method is too old even the creator of this course doesn't change the previous version of this course i.e CPA WIZARDY.
My rating 1/10 and thanks for OP to saving other peoples money. +5 added.
man i'm not blaming you or anything like that okay. It was just my opinion for this course, You did a Great Job +5 added. Smile
imgamekc thanks for purchasing and giving it to zanta to share!!
You are welcome.. just wish it was more valuable share.. It's mostly a rehash and by rehash that is being kind. More like 95% copy material from previous release yet this one includes the templates..
(07-07-2014 10:47 AM)Daku Wrote: [ -> ]imgamekc thanks for purchasing and giving it to zanta to share!!
nice share thanks
Thanks for sharing +REP added.
What are you expecting in $7 WSO. WSO is shit and crap, nothing is useful.
So glad I didn't buy this crap.
My verdict: Biggest load of horseshit I've ever read. The only thing that surprises me, is that he didn't copy and paste, word for word out of Kenster's "Rags To Riches" guide.
thanks for this. Same stuff as usual. I m thinking i should get the strength and write an ebook about CPA my style. But i tend to procrastinate. repped
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