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check your link before posting next time please... D:
i add you 5 rep. please send me download link
To those of you that keep saying the link is dead.... its an obvious fake link. The OP goes as far as to basically reveal this. He wants us to Rep him first then PM him to get the link. Unfortunately, this is no longer allowed here on BBHF.

OP - please add your link directly or PM without requiring Reps first. Share the link and the Reps will come.

thanx thanx
(07-05-2014 07:07 AM)Sasquatch Wrote: [ -> ]To those of you that keep saying the link is dead.... its an obvious fake link. The OP goes as far as to basically reveal this. He wants us to Rep him first then PM him to get the link. Unfortunately, this is no longer allowed here on BBHF.

OP - please add your link directly or PM without requiring Reps first. Share the link and the Reps will come.

For new people how have 0 post and just stay here for download "Cheaters" I not go send any link, for you [b]Sasquatch [/b]you for being with threats I'm not going to give you the link buy it the script, to omar1908 he asked me a couple weeks ago for a donation $$ for "Wedevs - dokan v1.0.5" so F*** u I'm not giving the link to..... and finally for others users who are always collaborate on BBHF without asking anything in return will send you the download link soon.! ;)
READ !!!! RULES !!!!
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ok thanks if you not want to send the link

you ask just for rep; i do 5 rep. as you ask me. so if you plan to vange, sory
if you were asking for donation...

it is your right to do what you want, i consider this that even you ask to pay or donate, after that you will not honor your word. because you not honor your word when i add rep you just ask so rep means $$$ (hey, the same!!! lol :(
Rep+ Added..please send me the link..Thanks!
ok this is about rules an regulation, we follow your demand, we gave you repute and now why we are not PM download link, is there any issue?
Hey fuellas chillax, right now I'm not in home, in a couple hours I start to send the PM for the good users ;)
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