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Full Version: [INFO] New Trojan quietly wheeled into black hat forums
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Could not find the right section for this, please move admins if I got this wrong..
Perhaps there should be a section for BLACK HAT news topics!

Thought you guys may find this article useful..

New trojan quietly wheeled into black hat forums
Pandemiya is 25,000 lines of original password-pinching botnet badassery

Link to article
Thanks for the info. Reps added
Thanks for the heads up! Reps added, mate!
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the heads up! Reps for sure.

I agree, there should be an area specifically for this. There's a 'D********' (scam) alert section which is awesome, but this sort of threat is something that is definitely note-worthy to all of us who dwell in 'blackhat' arenas.. worthy of its own section for sure.

*and something I'd like to learn more about generally speaking, so having a reference point to check back on would be sweet.
No problem guys! Your welcome..

Plus! Admin, why is this post moved to flippa forum? Hello!
There already is an announcement forum. It will be moved there.

Thanks for sharing the alert.
thanks for info,
any precaution steps not to be infected?
How can we protect ourselves from this ?

Thank for the info ;)
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