Beyond Buzz
The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Lois Kelly
"Beyond Buzz" shows readers how to listen to customers, identify what is important to them, and then craft the kind of message that will truly resonate...and not just fade away.
Marketers talk about creating 'buzz' - something which always threatens to fade away as soon as the next sound bite arrives to take its place - but only the smartest of marketers realize that to be effective, word-of-mouth has to have the right message attached to it: the kind that gets people talking and results in real communication.
i see the title is 2007, so im not sure how upto date this is in terms of social media networks that have blossomed since then, but the general principles should still holld true if its a well researched and written book.
EDIT: actually, this IS from 2007 but coming in at well over 200 pages, it looks to be well worth reading for anybody who is genuinely looking to learn how to promote their business through PR and viral marketing. the fact that facebook had barely been born back in 2007 isnt the point, its the marketing principles that matter here.
recommended for people who want to feast on steak, not snack on popcorn