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To all my fellow bacon-stuffin' syrup-suckin' black-hatter Canadians:


Long May Your Big Jibs Draw! ;-)

Of course, we invite all beaver-loving snow-humping hockey-nutters to join in on the fun too! :-D

All the Best Eh!
(07-02-2014 01:14 AM)Edjumacated_Bum Wrote: [ -> ]To all my fellow bacon-stuffin' syrup-suckin' black-hatter Canadians:


Long May Your Big Jibs Draw! ;-)

Of course, we invite all beaver-loving snow-humping hockey-nutters to join in on the fun too! :-D

All the Best Eh!
Happy Canada Day! (am I too late?)

You guys are great, eh? I am a big fan of SCTV, keep your stick on the ice, etc. Rush too!

I am from the lower 48, and at one time thought it would be nice to be a "Canook" - then I realized that I don't like my "lower 2" to freeze and fall off - If you catch my drift.

And how about them mosquitoes, heck - I was in Northern MN and it was unbearable. Summer, unbearable. Winter, unbearable. No wonder the moose(s) are so skinny, having their blood tanked out by 4 or more gallons a day. Yah?

btw, got any of that maple syrup? I want it Blush
Kooooo-roo-koo-koo, Koo-ROO-COO-COO!!

Take off eh, You hoser! ;-)

PS: Shhh, but little known Canadian secret - our Maple Syrup is 40% rum :-D hahahahahahahahaha *glug glug*
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