07-01-2014, 10:56 PM
Perfumes and scented oils have been used since the beginning of human history and its use has been recorded as far back as the ancient Egyptians and ancient China. The use of scented oils and perfumes were used in religious ceremonies and as a pre-love making ritual, which is not much different than our uses today.
- This script is 100% compatible with WordPress
- Works on any cheap shared hosting
- 100% automatic, you don’t need to do anything
- You only put it on the hosting and forget about it
- Google friendly. It’s fully SEO optimized, Rich Snippets for products
- This Perfume Store contains a cronjob that updates automatically all the prices (AMAZON modifies constantly the prices to hundreds and thousands of products)
- Easy setup
- All the products have links to Amazon, which means, when a user accesses the “buy now” link trough your website and buys from AMAZON, you will receive a sales commission.
- IE, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Safari 100% compatibility
- Management Interface is fully Mobile Responsive!
Sales Page:
http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/iv796sc9