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Full Version: [REQ] Copyright Loophole: Court Ruling Gives Go Ahead for this WSO
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This looks interesting. kindsvater has a bunch of these short quick WSO's, they look very juicy. I included a search of his name on the warriorforum WSO section. Don't they look yummy?

Sales page:
Magic Button :

kindsvater search of WSO section on the Warrior forum:
Magic Button :
Give this a bump to see if it gets picked up by someone.
Give this another bump, I am very curious to see what this is about. Hopefully someone who knows what they are doing will take a look for this. kindsvater has a bunch of these juicy looking WSOs, see the search list I posted in the first post.

After reading the sales letter and being sued a bunch of times my guess is he is referring to the DMCA. $150, a submission form on your site and a DMCA notice is how all the sites he mentioned operate without getting sued as much as they could. Remember though, whether you can or cannot be sued still usually requires an attorney's advice ($$) and in some cases actually incurring court costs ($$) that you will have to counter sue ($$) to recover if you win or it is tossed out. Don't think I want to follow legal advice from a lawyer in WF who sells secret info for $15 in a WSO, but that's just me.
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